3 Things to Know About Flying a Plane Before You Get off the Ground

When you undergo flight training, there is a lot you need to know before you even get off the ground. The more knowledge about everything related to flying you have, the better your pilot training will go. You need to be knowledgeable not just about the plane you are flying, but also about the charts you use when flying, the flight planning tools, and how to use the radio. 

#1 Know Your Charts

Before you go for a flight, you need to make sure you know the charts that you will be using during your flight. You need to study the chart and be prepared to answer questions from your flight instructor before you take off. Your flight instructor may ask you to identify different kinds of airspace on the chart and find specific things on the map. You need to know how to read an airspace chart and you need to have studied the charts you need for the flight that day.

Studying your charts will also allow you to fully understand the type of terrain and obstructions that you will encounter during your flight. Knowing the height of terrain and obstructions will allow you to figure out ahead of time what elevation you should be flying at

#2 Know How to Use the Radio

Next, you need to know how to use the radio correctly. Surprisingly, using the radio is one of the most challenging aspects of flying for many individuals. You need to learn all the terms that are necessary to communicate with towered airports. You may want to practice how to use the radio and communicate with the tower with your instructor. You want to practice using the radio as much as possible. If you've practiced and you want to fly through class B or class C airspace or you need to fly near a towered airport, you'll have the ability to do so.

#3 Know How to Use the Flight Planning Tool

After that, you need to know how to use the flight planning tool. The flight planning tool will allow you to chart your flights while taking into account things such as fuel burn, headings, and magnetic course. There are various flight planning tools that you should learn how to use, such as a plotter, an E6B flight computer, and a DUATS flight planning tool. All three tools will allow you to accurately plan your flights.

The more in-depth knowledge you have about all aspects of flying, from how to read the airspace charts to how to plan your flight and use the radio, the more comfortable you will be in the air and the better pilot you will become.

446 Words

About Me

Developing Your Life With Education After struggling for a long time with thoughts of a future that wasn't really coming together, I started thinking more seriously about what I could do to make things better. I started chatting with other people about what they did to make their lives better, and it was really clear that I needed to do something to improve my career. I started focusing more seriously on developing my life with the help of education, and a friend of mine mentioned that there was a community college that offered classes in what I was looking for. I signed up, and a few years later, I was in a much better position at work. Read more about education on this website.



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